Developing Global Citizens

Developing Global Citizens

The K-4 program is a comprehensive and inclusive educational program that focuses on the holistic development of our young students. The program is designed to help students explore and discover their place in the world, beginning with their local community, expanding to their national identity and their role as a global citizen.

The K-4 program is designed to provide students with a strong foundation for personal growth, active citizenship, and global engagement, setting them on a path towards becoming responsible and informed members of society. Ultimately, Lakes Grammar is preparing our students to become the people our future world needs them to be.

As part of the program’s focus on global citizenship, students will have the opportunity to continue to learn creative arts, Chinese, as well as studying history, geography and Christian religious education. Chinese is taught by a specialised language teacher. This helps them develop a deeper understanding of different cultures and societies around the world, in addition to gaining important skills and knowledge that will be useful throughout their lives and further develop their understanding of themselves as global citizens.